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And So We Oblige...

Dear Friends,

Life at Randolph School is focused on the outdoors right now. The yellow daffodil buds along the paths have started to bloom, offset beautifully by the bright blue hue of the tiny petals of a flower we think we have finally identified as Siberian Squill. The soil in the garden has softened for digging and tilling. The creek below our field can almost be heard saying, “Come visit me, Randolph friends! I have missed you this long winter! Come outside and play!”

And so we oblige. There has been an explosion of outdoor activity this spring. We have gone down to say hello to the creek. We have recollected all the natural play materials that got scattered over the winter, bringing the rocks and sticks and logs and mud of our playgrounds back into use. A student store has already popped up on the upper playground, selling the beautiful mud bowls that were shaped and fired in the sun by Milla and Ruby just the day before. The cost is a mere 3 rocks (or perhaps two sticks and a leaf? I get confused with conversion rates!). Yesterday I watched as four intrepid friends searched out the logs and wood needed to create their own see-saw.

The kids have also started their garden work, and are clearing the soil of winter’s debris while measuring their plots and planning their rows. A spiral maze made of brick has appeared in the lower playground, constructed (and used enthusiastically!) by the kids. Outside my window, I have been watching our young Downstairs kids swinging from the rope bridge, planting and watering flowers along the fence, and exploring every nook and cranny of the playground intently. They are spending hours and hours outdoors, and loving every second.

I hope you are having a wonderful spring as well, and are feeling as renewed and refreshed as we are here!

Be well,


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